Wednesday, 7 March 2012

The Key Code.

Ok, so in the Reichenbach Fall, Sherlock is lead to believe that Moriarty was able to breeak into 3 major buildings in London by using a few lines of computer keycode. During the conversation on the roof, Moriarty tells Sherlock that there is no computer key code though.

I found this a bit strange as there were a few things I noticed that didn't fit with there being no code.

1. On the roof, Sherlock says that he can still use the code to change the records to kill Rich Brook and bring back Jim Moriarty. I thought this must have meant that Moriarty used the code in the first place to hack into the records and create a false identity. But if there was no key code, how did he do it?

2. When John visits Mycroft for the second time, Mycroft reveals that he could get Moriarty to talk about the key code if he offered him Sherlock's life story. But if there was no code, what did Moriarty tell Mycroft about? Surely if Moriarty had made up a code, Mycroft would have tried it and realised that it was fake. But if Moriarty had told Mycroft the truth and said that there wasn't a code, why didn't Mycroft tell Sherlock?...Or did he.....?

3. When John and Sherlock are in the lab trying to work out what the code is, John asks Sherlock if Moriarty wrote anything down when he was in the flat. Sherlock said no but I thought he would have mentioned the IOU that Moriarty carved on the apple. That counts as writing something down doesn't it? And if you look at my previous post about the IOU, I said that I thought it meant 123. Maybe that is something to do with the code.....

There are more things I noticed about it but at the moment I can't remember what they were. Please comment and tell me what you think so far. :D

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