Saturday, 14 July 2012

I haven't posted in ages! Not that it matters really, I don't think I really have any regular readers. But I just noticed something today so I figured I'd see if anyone read it.

Did Sherlock kill Moriarty?

(ok, ok so it's not a practical theory but just hear me out)

So I was watching the Great Game last night and I suddenly realised something that I hadn't noticed before and it's this little bit of dialogue:

Sherlock: What if I was to shoot you now?
Moriarty: Then you could cherish the look of surprise on my face.

It's a bit hard to explain so I made this video just for you! ;D

So that's one reason why I think Sherlock might have killed Moriarty.

Another is the fact that when John arrives at St Bart's, Moriarty is dead and lying of the floor ( ok, so technically it was a roof but just go along with it) and because of this, John can't see him. If Moriarty was still alive, John would have seen him and realised that Sherlock's suicide wasn't genuine and that something was wrong.

So maybe Sherlock somehow planned Moriarty's death? I know it sounds stupid, but just think about it. Sherlock spent the whole night in the lab so maybe he made a drug (possibly remade the HOUND drug with a few adaptations), asked Molly to get him access to the roof (and yes, that's what I think he needed her for), and administered the drug to Moriarty when he grabbed him on the roof. Because maybe it was just me, but Moriarty seemed weird when he was saying 'You're me. Thank you. Bless you.' I don't know he just seemed like he could be drugged and maybe that influenced him to kill himself? Or maybe I'm just thinking way to deep into the episode....

But one of the main things that made me think about this was reading the original story of The Final Problem. Because in the book, Sherlock does actually kill Moriarty by throwing him off the waterfall.

So anyway, that's just my weird, messed up little theory! Even if you don't think it's real, I still hope you enjoyed reading it and maybe you even got a new theory from it! Ok, umm...bye! :D


  1. I just finished watching all of Seasons 1 and 2 (I know, I'm a little late to the game)and I have been trying to work out exactly how he faked his suicide with John watching. There would've been no time to throw a different body from the roof because he told John to keep his eyes on him. and the body on the pavement below was most assuredly dead. So how did he do it??

    And is Moriarty truly dead?? I don't think he is either. I mean, why would a master-mind, such as himself, commit suicide just to ensure that his nemesis followed thru with his own?? He wouldn't be around to enjoy Sherlock's downfall (no pun intended).

    I'm just going to have to watch it again. I'm just to addicted to this show now to not try to figure it all out. :)

    Thanks for the blog and your insights.Keep it up. THere is an audience for you out there.

    1. Thank you for your comment! I'm glad you enjoyed watching Sherlock, it's always nice to hear of people who are just watching it and enjoyed it ;)

      If I'd replied to your comment a while back I think I probably would have agreed about Moriarty faking his death as well - but recently, as you may or may not have heard, Andrew Scott sadly confirmed that Moriarty was dead :( Then again, they might just be messing with us but something tells me that if he died in the canon, Moffat would probably have killed him in the series as well, so that they can introduce new villans to the programme ;)
